Friday, November 11, 2011


 By: Kimberly Woods

Throughout my life there have been so many thoughts, so many stories, so many words, so much poetry…so much unfinished. Incomplete ramblings written on pages remain incomplete mainly because so much of life’s minutia intrudes…constantly pulling you away, distracting you…demanding all you have. One of the life’s tragedies…

So few of us are truly lucky enough to be completely free and without burden, allowing us to create, do what we love; approach our dream in life. There’s usually a lack that averts us from our dream: lack of money, lack of inspiration, lack of time…or sometimes it may be that life’s demands are so great that we just are unable to muster enough strength, determination, motivation to rise above it to get to that “higher place.” I’m not suggesting that this is a weakness, just a hard truth reality. Life can be like that….exhausting and draining…wearing away your soul until it’s stretched into a whisper of transparency. Brittle and empty—the gentlest wind could effortlessly break it. It’s difficult to recover from this type of “defeat.”

You struggle and consistently breathe, check for a pulse, and yet your life is not your own. Years can pass and you wonder where it went. A child, who feels like a single year takes an eternity to pass, grows into an adult looking back on a fleeting lifetime that flashed in a moment. Where does the time go?

I’ve struggled for many years tried to maintain some semblance of balance; a balance between what I LIVE (and love) to do and what is imposed upon me as what I MUST do. Choices, choices. Funny how when I started this thing, I didn’t intend for it to be a lament, but it seems this is what it’s become.

I realize I am not alone in this struggle—there’s some comfort in that, and some sadness as well. It reminds me I’m human, and it’s a human struggle for sure. Reflection comes with age, and sometimes the mirror can be difficult to face.

For a long, long time I’ve wanted to start a blog—my thoughts in the universe, wherever they may end up, if anywhere at all. It’s a comforting thought for me. Difficult to explain, but perhaps someone will understand what I mean.

So here is my humble attempt at a first entry. I’ve written so many entries inside my head, and that is where the majority of them have lived and died…unfinished and buried, without a decent epitaph to prove they existed. I’m working hard to change this…

              “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” ~ John Lennon


  1. gostei de seu blog, estarei seguindo.

  2. Danilo Sergio: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it! :-)
